Welcome! I'm
Andres Contreras

Web Developer

I'm a web developer with a passion for learning new technologies and creating new projects. I'm a student of Computer Engineering and also a self-learner in platforms like Code Academy, FreeCodeCamp, and Coursera. I have developed technical skills in my area as well as social and communicative skills developed by working with diverse groups and as an English Teacher.

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Cryptopals Wallet

A functional Crypto Wallet done in two months with a classmate where I learned about teamwork and how to work under pressure. It uses BINANCE API to manage REAL money.

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Dungeon Tiles

This is a game written in JavaScript that involves moving around a character in a dungeon-like environment, collecting a key, and opening doors while avoiding enemies. It uses Canvas API as base of the map engine.

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Whiteboard Canvas App

This is a real-time collaborative drawing app built with Socket.io, HTML Canvas, and Express.js. Multiple users can connect to the dashboard and draw simultaneously on different canvases.

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Foo Market (Chatbot)

It's a Telegram bot that allows you to buy products. It uses Axios, NodeMailer, Telebot, and MongoDB as backend and Telegram API as frontend.

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System Market

It is a WebPage where I used different JS libraries. Here, I recommend a series of technology stuff like laptops, which I consider popular brands such as Lenovo, Apple, ASUS, and Hp. It uses Bootstrap framework

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Enterpreneurs Inc

My real first Web Page. It is a 3-in-1 Webpage where I talk about Bussiness Lessons from Elon Musk as well as the bussinesses that he owns. Moreover, there are bibliografies of important entrepreneurs who I think are the most interesting.

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Payroll Manager

Its principal utility is to facilitate to managers make payrolls to each worker in a company. That being said, it uses a JSON as a database and it's made with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

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Old Portfolio Page

This is the Final project I made in the Course "Web Design for Everybody" from Coursera. Even though, It's a old version, I'm proud of my work. I made this page using my knowledge that I took in Coursera, Udemy, and my years at the University.

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